Role: User Research, Prototyping, UI Design

Year: 2021
Status: Completed
Area: Mobile App Design, UI/UX Design
Tool: Figma, Adobe XD

WorkMate is a task list and timer focused app that encourages anxiety-ridden users to organize and layout their plans through a stress-free manner.

Try interacting with this phone on your screen and explore the interface!


  • “We have the tools to manage our time better, but in actuality we choose not to. And I don’t think it’s like because I really don’t want to do it because I have this intent like, “oh I really want to get this project done.”
  • “Definitely if it’s like a digital assistant type of thing, I really wouldn’t mind, I’d probably get annoyed a lot… I think a virtual person is kind of easier to handle because they’re not real.”
  • “Yes, it will be quite helpful if making a to-do list is simpler. I might consider using it as long as it’s simple enough.”

User Stories

  • “As someone who puts off work due to laziness and lack of motivation, I want to be pushed and encouraged positively to do it so that I’m not only forced by pressure of due dates.”
  • “As someone who does not organize their tasks well, I want to have a digital planner rather leaving mental notes so that I don’t become incredibly stressed from having the feeling of too much being dumped on me at once.”
  • “As a person who doesn’t want to spend too much time on planning, I want the scheduling process to be short enough for me to jump right into my project.”

User Persona

Mathew Sawyer
19, College Student
New York City
“Oh man I really gotta start on these assignments, but where do I start?…”

Wants and Needs
Wants to be pushed to do their assignments
Needs a way to input Tasks without stress

Procrastinates too easily
Gets overwhelmed with work

Illustration from "The Art of Procrastination" by Ekaterina Peschanskaya


Congzhou (Nicky) Du

R&D (User Flow Chart, User Interviews)
UI Design

Michelle Tu

R&D (User Flow Chart)